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What’s Buggin’ You?

Posted by on June 22, 2011

What’s buggin’ me? Today?  Nuthin’!  In fact, nuthin’ this whole week!  Had an amazing first day of summer yesterday!  Dirt is on vacation for a week from teaching.  He almost has my Market Shed built.  A quick glance around the farm and it’s beginning to look like I’m only a partial farming failure this year.  The six puppies and the momma dog are doing fine.  My married children are doing great.  My at home girl is doing great and loving her life.  So really, no matter the nonsense on the radio in the morning when I get up or come in to change clothes or go to bed at night (the news radio is always playing in my bedroom), nuthin’ is buggin’ me.

I was too busy this week with Dirt on vacation and all to go hunt up bugs and nuthin’ is bugging me on the cultural front so… for my pick of the Header Challenge theme this week, “What’s Buggin’ You?”,  I had to do an unusual for me, I went back to old photos I had taken but hadn’t posted yet. 

Pictures from last November in the hedgerow meadow area.  The two of us had been working hard in the late fall heat, took a break to wander in the hedgerow area and Bet found a Praying Mantis in the grass.  He didn’t seem to be bothered by her admiring him.  So nuthin’ was buggin’ him that day either. 

I hope more of his kind show up again this year, they eat naughty bugs, so aside from being very interesting to look at, Praying Mantis are very beneficial to Vicktory Farm & Gardens, they keep others from buggin’ us!

Well gotta go toss something up to Dirt I’m sure.  Pictures of the Market Shed soon, I didn’t take any of the construction process, that surely must be a first.  Busy summer days I guess.  Sorry I haven’t been ’round to your place for a visit Dear Reader, I will try to soon!  But please…

Go see what everybody else has for my theme choice this week, their links are over on the side board.  And.  Thanks heaps for stoppin’ in.

10 Responses to What’s Buggin’ You?

  1. Fishing Guy

    Lanny: That is one of my favorite insects. I have some neat captures of one getting a butterfly and a bee. You made a great capture of the neat insect.

  2. Dave

    Now that’s a bug and a half! Certainly not a little bug that’s for sure and a great photo of it too. I’m glad you liked my take on your theme we always try to cultivate as many good bugs as possible in our garden, as you know they help to keep down the nastier ones.

  3. empress bee (of the high sea)

    don’t worry about getting to my blog lanny, same old stuff there!

    smiles, bee

  4. SandyCarlson

    That is one big critter. Some great shots. I am glad nothing is buggin’ ya!

  5. Daisy

    He is a handsome one indeed and well worthy of being admired. I’m glad to hear things are going well for you right now, Lanny. :)

  6. Far Side of Fifty

    Nothing is bugging you..hooray! I have been too tired to be too bothered about much. I am still trying to get used to being a working gal..that cannot take a nap in the middle of the afternoon..I should have been born in a different country I guess.
    That Praying Mantis is beautiful..we do not have them here. I wanted to see photos of the puppies..I would be playing with them all the time if I were you! Good thing you keep Dirt out of trouble during his time off:)

  7. Cliff

    Buggin me? Flood waters, the Corp of Engineers, and more gnats and misquitos than I’ve ever come close to seeing. We’ve all taken to wearing dust masks even though bugs aren’t on the label.

  8. Linda Sue

    I am a big fan of mantis – the praying part always seems to be to need a different spelling – preying mantis ’cause they are so actively seeking out pesky pests to devour. Not much bugging me either – even the bugs can’t survive in a heat wave!

  9. Abraham Lincoln

    We have Japanese Beetles. I have been squeezing them to death as I am not for using chemicals. We had a nest filled with Praying Mantis last fall and I never saw so many in my life.

  10. tipper

    Lanny-love the photos-and so nice to know you’re fine as frog hair : )