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Dirt is the Leader of a Motorsickle Gang

Posted by on July 25, 2010

He even leads this bike gang in illegal maneuvers.  Shame on him and with his sweet law abiding daughter on back saying, “Daddy, is this legal?”   


Or at least he was for a few minutes.

Dirt on his way to a sheep shearing appointment out on the Peninsula hits I-5 right at the time of a huge traffic jam.  He sat for quite sometime milking the clutch, making his hand tired and the clutch all hot.  Cylinders start to make funny noises as the air cooled engine is no longer getting cooled by air.  The roar of other motorsickles in the same predicament resounds in his ears and before he knows it he is taking matters into his own hands as he heads to the shoulder to by pass standing traffic. 

He looks into his rear view mirror and there behind him is no less than eighteen other bikers falling into line right behind him. 

He says they were all thinking the same thing but just need someone to  lead them.  A gang of bikers riding the shoulder, shame on them, shame on their leader!  Poor traumatized car drivers who wished they could have been so bold.

6 Responses to Dirt is the Leader of a Motorsickle Gang

  1. Linda Sue

    so I’m guessing there were no police officials in the vicinity as Dirt’s bike gang went rogue ?? LOL – quite an image – if my DH could figure how to deal with his oxygen tanks I do think he’d be back on a Harley tearing up these country roads

  2. imac

    I can just see it now (as a car driver ) lol.

  3. Far Side of Fifty

    I bet he had a grin on his face a mile wide! :)

  4. Mildred

    It’s a good feeling to be a leader sometimes!!!!!

  5. Fishing Guy

    Lanny: Oh my, glad no-one open a door in front of them.

  6. Daisy

    HA! It sounds like Dirt did what he thought was best. :)