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Busy Weekend, You?

Posted by on February 14, 2010

As usual here at Vicktory Farm & Gardens we have been cramming a lot into our days. This week I went to town twice, once to do our regular shopping-Thursday thing adding Anna’s first try at the written test for her permit, and then back on Friday for the second try at her test.

All that while trying to get the hall painted, so that I can put up a bookshelf around the top of the hall for all my children’s books, so that I can get the book issue dwindled upstairs, so that I can….

Final look around here depends on so many steps we would need the help of a map.

We were also preparing for another Vicktory F & G style weekend party, celebrating February birthdays and gun enthusiasts on Saturday and then Bowlerama-mama on Sunday (today).

so in between reading the driver book from cover to cover Anna diligently did prep work (I hate painting prep work! Thanks Anna!) and did the undercoat of white on the hallway.

Given strict instructions to do a good job, she tackled it with due diligence and a good mood. Something I sure as heck have been lacking lately! She wants me to be sure and tell you that those are sunglasses. And that she has them on so

she doesn’t get splatters of paint in her eyes. Smart girl, I just always let my contacts catch the splatters, not so nice feeling.

She is demonstrating how she rolled the walls, for the walls you don’t need the sunglasses so much.
And yes, what you see is us, well Anna actually, but I instigate, painting what used to be wood paneling. When we first moved to this house Dale nicely didn’t complain too much when I painted the walls. Every wall in this house was covered by dark wood, light-absorbing, depression causing panelling. Hey, I like wood products, don’t get me wrong but as a mood enhancer, dark wood walls fail miserably! (I just noticed that I spelled panelling two different ways and spell check didn’t say one was wrong, that can’t be right, but I’m skipping research on which is what and so there you have it, two ways to spell paneling, one probably has to do with doing it and the other with being it) (Nope, that isn’t it. ((couldn’t stand it, had to look it up)) Both are acceptable the double “l” second and mostly British, so there you go, in the future I’ll use both interchangeably and drive you just a little nuttier with my writing Dear Reader. Aren’t you excited!)
When I first started painting I thought I was too poor to do anything but paint the surface, already people told me that that wouldn’t work, let alone trying to change it. But then I got brave.
Surface experiments and color (mis-mixes!) all began to happen at the same time. My beige mother (she was married to you-know-who Mike) had passed away and I felt like I could face the disapproval of just one face and so I began to experiment. A lot of interesting things have been done in those fifteen years.
But here we are in the hallway and I’m not really into either putting on a smooth coat, filling in the panel grooves, like in the living room. Or taking down the paneling and dealing with the old board underneath like in the kitchen (I don’t think the same walls are behind this panelling) or doing my messy crazy plaster smear like in the dining room and my new bedroom.

We have something slightly simpler (well that was the idea anyway, I’ll let you know when I am done just how simple it really is) in mind for the hallway. So Anna is getting the base coat on and then on Saturday just before company arrived I began an interesting paint job.
For now I’ll just call it “a study in green”. And it incorporates the “stripes” of the paneling. My company arrive before I got far enough to share with you how it is coming together and I put all my toys away. So hopefully we will be all over the rest of it in the morning. Dirt has the day off, yay Presidents’ Day! and so we can get a lot done tomorrow and hopefully even finish!
So have a good night Dear Reader hope you wake to a wonderful view of the world and God’s heart in the morning.
I’m working on improving my mood, really struggled this week and weekend even though I was totally in my element, so I have a call into the neurologist to get see about getting this stupid-nothing-pain under control. Wouldn’t mind so much if the pain had a legit origin, like my bad bowling form (I’ll tell you about Bowlerama-mama later this week, what a blast!) but this stupid numbness and pain without a known source?! It doesn’t make it better just ’cause it has a cool name that Mike likes to say. It doesn’t make keeping a nice spirit a very easy thing, but then I guess that keeping a nice spirit wouldn’t be a spiritual discipline if it was easy eh?
Okay, whining over. I’ll try and keep you posted on all those loose strings I just threw out there not to mention update you on all the garden stuff that I haven’t told you about. Oops another loose string, my favorite thing I guess.

6 Responses to Busy Weekend, You?

  1. Mildred

    Hi Lanny, Sounds like there's a lot going on! The home I grew up in had some dark paneling that depressed me greatly! Can't wait to see your big reveal! Hope you get to feeling better. Tell everyone "hi" from me and I hope you will have a blessed week.

  2. Daisy

    Not in the house where we live now, but in one where we used to live, I painted over paneling too. Yeah, everybody told me I wasn't supposed to do that, but I just ignored them. I liked the results just fine. I'm with you, I can't stand that dark, depressing wood. I'll look forward to what happens in your household next. Never a dull moment there! 😀

  3. LindaSueBuhl

    Your girls are So clever – and useful. Love your blog posts even when they include words like pain and moodiness – 'cause they are real -as real as paint on contacts and joy from lighter colors in your house.

  4. Susie

    Hey Lanny, my mom's house has wood paneling as well. I painted some of it a couple of years ago. It was a pain but it turned out pretty good.

  5. Lisa @ Life with 4!

    my personal spelling preference…. "paneling". i think that is the correct way.

    anyway, yes, busy-crazy weekend. and even though it's almost tuesday, it's still not slowing down!
    ortho appt for bear in the morning. (1 1/2 drive away… uuughh) so off to the city tomorrow when i really want to be home putting together my new raised garden boxes. but the weather is supposed to hold out and be nice until thursday. us PNW's never know what will happen, right?!
    happy painting and gardening and whatever else you have going on in your busy world!

  6. Far Side of Fifty

    Hi Lanny, I hope you can talk to your neurologist and that he answers all your questions..any kind of Neuropathy do the meds that they put you on. Hang in there:)