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Posted by on January 26, 2010

Remember the eyelash yarn I was knitting up into an earflap hat?

Yeah, that’s right this one. Boy was it hard to work with. I did discover that doing it with real light coming in behind it made it easier. But the usual way of finishing the top of my ear flap hat, is to get down to about eight or so stitches and then pull the yarn, with a crochet hook, through the remaining loops. Works great with other yarns, not so much with this stuff. I lost several rows of the top of the hat when I couldn’t bring the yarn through, argh.

I finished it in spite of my inabilities. Then the lucky recipient opened their belated Christmas gift a few weeks ago and proudly wore their new hat …

No, not Dirt, it isn’t his hat! Although it could come in handy under his motersickle helmet or I’m thinking or it could have been handy while cutting down the trees our neighbor advised that Dirt get a professional to take down. You know that fluffy hat could keep a fir tree from tuning a person into a ground stake.

But really, if you want to see the real person who got the hat of the year go here and you will see the little cuties who received a couple of my hat adventures.

Dear Reader, I gotta go to bed, it’s after midnight and I gotta get outa vacation hours and back to regular hours – like Dirt says, “five o’clock comes awful early,” he says that when he wears pink hats and when he doesn’t! So its gotta be true.

Okay, so now it is toot-a-loo time.


11 Responses to Remember?

  1. Daisy

    The pink hat is lovely, Lanny. Dirt is a very good sport for being willing to model it for you. HA! That gave me a good laugh. Now THAT is a man who loves you! 😀

  2. Mrs. Mike

    How do we identify 'belated'? I mean, really.

    The mark of a well made hat is the versatility of it's potential wearers and it is clear by the broad range of heads this hat has donned, it's a good'un!

  3. A Joyful Chaos

    what a lovely hat! You are very talented!

  4. Catherine@AGardenerinProgress

    What a cute hat and it looks cute on the little girl that you made it for. What a nice model you had though :)

  5. Lisa @ Life with 4!

    thanks for the laugh this morning. although it was at Dirt's expense…… what a good sport!

    the hat looks nice, Lanny!

    maybe one of these days I'll try out crocheting and knitting. I would love to learn.

  6. A. Joy

    Dirt totally should have taken it for a spin on his motorcickle first. All of the work you put into it – it would've enjoyed the ride. Does he want one for his own now after experiencing the snuggly softness of the eyelash yarn??? Great work!

  7. Eggs In My Pocket / Yesteryear Embroideries

    Oh how funny, but what a great job you did! It looks like this would be hard to work with! Are you going to work with this kind of yarn again? Blessings,Kathleen

  8. Eggs In My Pocket / Yesteryear Embroideries

    Oh how funny, but what a great job you did! It looks like this would be hard to work with! Are you going to work with this kind of yarn again? Blessings,Kathleen

  9. Tipper

    Cute hat! Granny uses that kind of yarn-but she crotchets.

  10. Vickie

    Keep that picture for blackmail. Way too cute!

  11. KathyB.

    Oh my goodness, you could have just posted Dirt's picture with that hat and left it at that. That picture took my mind off everything you wrote prior to it. Dirt and a pink fluffy hat, hmmm, there are no words that come to mind except that Dirt does look good in pink!

    Oh, yes, I discovered I like working with eyelash yarns when I combine them with another yarn. But I don't knit or crochet, just weave.So the hat is lovely with the eyelash yarn.